Recently some of my favorite design blogs have been doing “No Make-up Home Tours”, a real life look at what their houses look like on a daily basis. I’m loving it so much I decided to do one myself. One of my favorites was from Brepurposed, make sure to check her out! Even as a designer myself, knowing the set-up and styling that goes into a photo, sometimes it’s easy to forget these people’s houses don’t look like this all the time. Living in a house that we are remodeling means unfinished projects, tools and paint laying around everywhere. We also don’t have the budget to be able to decorate every room all at once. Not to mention we just aren’t neat and tidy people to begin with and we are ok with that 😆 So here is a peak into our house as it is right now, no cleaning or styling!
This is our main bedroom and I would say our bed is unmade 90% of the time with the pillows all piled on this chair, making it unusable. If you caught my instagram story last week I was asking people if I should paint this wall dark or not because I couldn’t decide. Our wall has been like this for a few weeks now. I did decide to paint but I’m really going to have to rally to bring myself to get it done because I’m not feeling motivated!
My vanity is where I get ready in the mornings and it is ALWAYS a mess. Do you like the tape measure and Lego ice cream cones? You never know what you might find!
Our main bathroom stays fairly uncluttered but this basket is my catch-all and rarely looks cute. This week I bought toilet paper when we apparently already had a bunch so they all ended up here 😂 cute, right?
The family room is my happy place ❤️ It is always so bright and sunny and a great place to sit and stare outside. Because of that I try to keep this clean and mostly toy free. This room, however, is also my constant struggle to decorate. It just never feels quite right but good enough for now!
I have yet to find the right decor for this fireplace. Can you tell I’m trying out a few different ideas right now? Someday this will get converted into a gas fireplace but not anytime soon! I also love the bright teal boosters at our kitchen table peaking through the fireplace.
This is an area that you don’t see very often as I usually try and crop it out 🙈 I have yet to figure out how I’m going to reach that window to finish painting.
This is our dining room which is usually messy from kids or having friends and family over for dinner. One of the main reasons we wanted to buy a house was to have a place where people felt welcome and a place to gather. For that reason I knew it would always be full of messes but it is totally worth it. The coffee cart is always floating around the room because the spot I wanted to put it actually has no outlet! We’ll get there… someday.
I rarely show our kitchen because I don’t even really like going in there 😬 I know I’m crazy! I actually don’t have anything in the cupboards because I was too grossed out by the mold we found in them. Yes, we have been living like this for the last year! We are hoping to do a complete remodel in the spring. Until then, we usually have a giant pile of dishes hanging out in the sink and frozen pizza on hand. We are super classy 👍
The girls room is honestly pretty clean considering we had people over last night including 4 extra little girls. I have the hardest time trying to find homes for their toys. I usually like to have a certain spot for all the toys so it is easier to clean up but things like these dolls have yet to find a home. As of now the floor is their home.
I love this bathroom, well both of our bathrooms really since we remodeled. I have struggled with decorating them though since we did it. As you can see I’m constantly trying out different things! Also who can live without wipes when you have kids? They never stay put away for very long.
🙀 Ugg this office! As you can see this is the catch-all of our house. I feel really bad because this is where Nate works from everyday but he seems pretty un-phased by the mess. I tell myself once we get closet organizers in all of our rooms it won’t stay this way 🤞
I never show photos of my downstairs because we are planning on remodeling the entire thing and I rarely go down except to do the laundry. Right now the girls use it as a play area and we don’t really have to worry about cleaning it up constantly. So here it is in all it’s glory, you’re welcome! 😆P.S. those mylar balloons are from August 🙌
This is our downstairs bathroom which I never use as you can see from the lack of toilet paper! Note to self: bring some of that toilet paper downstairs 😵
Last but not least our guest bedroom downstairs. Isn’t it cozy? You are welcome to come and stay whenever you like 😁